Applications for National Conference Scholarships and Conference Rewards due by 12/31/24!
Posted 3 months ago by Deborah Roy
Don't miss your opportunity to apply for MeSPAN scholarship assistance to attend ASPAN’s 44th National Conference “Passion and Excellence: Growing, Learning, and Leading Together” in Dallas, TX! Preconference sessions begin Sunday April 27th, and the conference concludes Thursday May 1st. The ASPAN conference brochure is available on the ASPAN website and online registration will be open soon. If you've never attended a national conference before, it's a wonderful way to renew your passion and refresh your practice through high quality perianesthesia education and networking with peers, leaders, and experts from diverse geographical and healthcare areas.
MeSPAN Conference Rewards applications are also due by December 31st. Enter the drawing to attend a fully funded MeSPAN conference in either the spring or fall of 2025!
Use the Forms tab in the menu bar for more information and to access the ASPAN National Conference Scholarship application and the MeSPAN Conference Rewards application. Don’t miss out… apply soon!